Dynamic Application Testing

Assess your applications for security vulnerabilities through runtime testing. Cloud Security Partners will simulate attacks against your application to find and document them for remediation.

Expertise in Penetration Testing

Cloud Security Partners utilizes its extensive experience in penetration testing to identify flaws in applications through dynamic usage. We leverage our DAST findings to provide concrete evidence of vulnerabilities and help developers understand the risks. When applicable, we map findings to the application source code.

Women looking at dark screen on a phone with locks and lines overlay

All Bases Covered

We enumerate all exposed attack surfaces across various roles, including:

  • In-depth testing for OWASP Top Ten vulnerabilities
  • Comprehensive Authentication and Authorization review
  • Extensive miconfigration review
Blue digital map with code image overlay

Manual Reviews

We manually review applications for runtime vulnerabilities, including OWASP Top 10 findings, weak authentication, server misconfiguration, and other issues users may encounter once logged in.

Man in a server at a desk working with multiple monitors

Detailed DAST Report

Identified issues are provided to clients either via a full report (PDF) or directly entered into the client's tracking system.

AR keyboard

Typical Project Duration

We take around one to four weeks for our experts to manually work through all aspects of your code.

Glass board with a 5 week planner

Construct a Strong, Agile Defense

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